
10 Tips to Building Communities on WhatsApp: how to create healthy communities and its benefits

10 Tips to Building Communities on WhatsApp: how to create healthy communities and its benefits


If you’re like me, you’ve probably seen WhatsApp groups start up in your life and wondered what they’re all about. But if you haven’t had any experience with them yet, it’s time to get started! WhatsApp groups can be a great way to share information, build community and connect with people in a meaningful way. We’ll walk through some ways that you can start building communities on WhatsApp:

Start with a Purpose.

It’s important to know your purpose. Your WhatsApp community is an extension of that purpose. If you don’t know what your business, life or WhatsApp community is supposed to be doing in the world then it will not live up to its potential and could even be harmful.


What is the purpose of your life? What is the purpose of your business? What Is The Purpose Of Your Community On WhatsApp? The answer to these questions will determine whether or not you succeed in building healthy communities on WhatsApp.

Use WhatsApp to share information.

  • Share information.

WhatsApp is a great tool to share all kinds of information, especially if you are looking to build and engage with your community. You can use WhatsApp to share information about events, promotions, or any other news that will interest your members. You can also use it as a way of communicating with your team members, customers or clients in a quick and easy way.

  • Share company news with employees via WhatsApp groups.

Your employees may not be able to attend all company meetings and events because they might be working on different shifts or locations away from headquarters in another city/country altogether; therefore using WhatsApp groups for internal communications can help keep everyone informed about what’s going on at work without having them travel back “home base” every time there is an important piece of news needing their attention! For example: let us assume there has been some reorganization within our business department—a new employee has joined us from outside (let’s call him John) – how else could we inform everyone else on this except through sending out one message through a group chat?

Create content that is engaging.

Your content should be engaging, and the best way to do this is to use images or videos. Images are a great way of sharing your message in a visual way, while videos allow you to show people what you’re talking about. You can also use GIFs and stickers as well as polls to ask questions, get feedback and opinions from your community members

Use the platform to share video content.

  • Video content is a great way to engage your audience.
  • Video content is a great way to get your message across.
  • Video content is a great way to demonstrate your brand voice.
  • Video content is a great way to show your personality and showcase what makes you unique!

Share updates on upcoming events and promotions.

You should update users on upcoming events and promotions.

You can do this by sharing a funny picture or gif, posting a teaser of an event or showing pictures of what to expect at an event. Be sure you don’t overdo it though—don’t spam your followers with too many updates. Limit yourself to once every 24 hours, but don’t stop there either! Remember that these accounts are meant for the community members, so make sure they feel included in the conversation by keeping them entertained throughout the day and week.

Build relationships with your audience.


Building relationships with your audience is important. You want to be approachable, so that it feels like a safe space for them to come and talk about things related to the community. You have to show them that you’re there for them, even if it’s just a one-on-one conversation between you and another member of the community. If you act like a friend who wants to help people out, others will feel much more comfortable talking with you as well! This also gives you more opportunities to learn more about what they want from your app or company overall!

Create an emotional connection with your audience.

When creating a community, it’s important to create an emotional connection with your audience. People want to feel like they are part of something bigger than themselves. Not only that, but they also want to be seen and heard. Make sure you include them in the conversation by asking questions or open up a discussion on certain topics. This will help create a sense of community within your group members, because it gives them a chance to talk about things that matter most to them as well as feel like their opinions are being heard and valued by others in the group.

Provide value to your audience members.


When you provide value to your audience members, they’ll be more likely to engage with the content you post and make suggestions. This helps create a sense of community in the group.

When it comes to providing value, there are two different types of value:

  • Content value—content that provides information related to your industry or niche that others can use as part of their everyday lives
  • Personal/Social Value—being able to connect with people who share similar interests, goals and challenges

It’s important for members of communities on WhatsApp to feel like they’re receiving something from someone else in return for joining the group. That way, they’ll feel obligated both socially (because they want others within their group) and professionally (because it will help them grow).

Be approachable and personable.

A community is only as good as its members. You need to make sure you are approachable, personable and genuine so that members feel comfortable enough to communicate with you in a way that they wouldn’t do otherwise.

You should respond to the messages and comments posted by people regularly. Share personal stories where appropriate so that other people can relate to them. Be honest in your communication with others, but also be empathetic towards their views and opinions too!

Being human means being real! Keep it real when communicating with others online or offline! You don’t have to pretend like everything is perfect all the time because nobody likes fake friends anyway! Being an honest communicator means keeping it real about yourself too: don’t pretend like everything is rosy when it isn’t 💛💛💚🌷


We hope these tips will help build healthy communities on WhatsApp — one message at a time 🙂

Test different types of messages or posts to see what works best for you.

It is important to test different types of messages or posts to see what works best for you, your audience and the platform. Sometimes a short video will work better than a long text post. You may also find that some people prefer images or gifs over text-based messages.

You can also try testing different times of day or locations for posting, as well as changing up the type of content you share (e.g., photos vs. videos).

It’s all about engagement and human connection


As a creator, it’s important to have a strong relationship with your audience. If you don’t have that connection with them, they won’t trust you or be interested in what you’re doing. They’ll also feel like they can’t relate to what you’re producing or sharing.

The best way I’ve found for building relationships with people is by just being personable and engaging with them on social media channels like WhatsApp (and others). People want real relationships—not just numbers or followers—they want friends who care about them as individuals, who will answer their questions and help solve their problems when they need it most. This type of human connection builds up over time as well; so if someone has engaged with one piece of content from yours before then chances are high that they’ll do so again because they know (or believe) that there’s value in what I’m saying/doing/creating even though we may not know each other personally yet (which is fine too).


As you can see, building a successful community on WhatsApp is not as simple as just sending out a message. It requires patience and attention to detail, along with an understanding of what motivates people towards action.